Join us in Comforting the People of Israel!
The ICEJ stands at the forefront of a growing mainstream movement of Christians worldwide who share a love and concern for Israel and an understanding of the biblical significance of the modern in-gathering of the Jews to the land of their forefathers.
Join us as we endeavor to support Israel, teach truth and promote justice.

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Sign up to receive our South African ICEJ office newsletters to keep in touch with the work of the ICEJ in South Africa.
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Sign up to receive your copy of our free flagship monthly magazine Word from Jerusalem… Your window into a deeper understanding of Israel, the Bible and the ICEJ’s extensive worldwide ministry.

Join our Prayer Initiatives
The ICEJ was literally birthed in prayer in the late 70s by a group of Christians from some six countries who met regularly to pray for Israel. We have always appreciated the importance of prayer and intercession and continue to encourage and organize prayer for Israel all around the world.

Follow us on Social Media
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube @ICEJSA to get instant updates on South African related ICEJ activities, and much more!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @ICEJofficial to get international instant updates on ICEJ projects, current Israel news, ICEJ events, and much more!

Partner with the ICEJ
Support the extensive ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ by helping us fund our core activities in fulfilling our mandate to support Israel, educate the Church, and promote justice. Donations allow us to maintain funding for emergency projects and embark on new initiatives to support Israel in these critical days.