ICEJ flies 1,000 Jewish immigrants to Israel during Corona
Date - 11.4.2022By: David R. Parsons, ICEJ VP & Senior Spokesman
Despite all the recent global travel bans due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was still able to bring a remarkable 1,000 Jewish immigrants on Aliyah flights to Israel since our first sponsored flight this year landed in late February.
With planes grounded worldwide, many in Israel were expecting a pause in Jewish immigration due to COVID-19. But surprisingly the door of Aliyah has remained open, as interest in moving to Israel is on the rise. Many Jewish families even decided to move up plans to reach Israel, which they view as safer and better positioned for economic recovery.
In response, Israeli and Jewish Agency officials arranged ‘evacuation flights’ over recent months which continued to bring new immigrants home to Israel. The Christian Embassy supported these extraordinary efforts during the Corona crisis by funding Aliyah flights for 234 Ethiopian Jews and 766 Jews from across the former Soviet Union between February 20 and June 16. This required a total of 85 flights in all, including dozens of connecting flights for Russian-speaking olim coming from all across the vast regions of the FSU.
In addition, the ICEJ covered many of the extra Aliyah costs incurred at this time, including two-week stays in Corona-mandated quarantine for nearly new immigrants once they reached Israel.
“The Corona pandemic has brought much suffering and negative headlines all over the world, but one of the positive stories coming out of this crisis is the surprising surge in Aliyah, as many Jewish families are seeking a way to reach Israel as soon as possible”, said ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler. “We are both honoured and elated to play a key role in this unique chapter in the modern-day return to Israel, as even a global pandemic could not stop Jewish people from finding their way home to Israel.”
Many of these recent Jewish arrivals came from Russian-speaking countries where the local economies are struggling and the Corona threat is still peaking. Even travel within these countries is difficult and in some areas not even allowed. Yet Jewish families have been making incredible efforts to board the flights for Israel. In several instances, pregnant mothers nearing term were determined to reach Israel in time to give birth in the Jewish homeland.
More Jewish families are eagerly awaiting their chance to come to Israel. In this unique moment in history, God is urgently calling them home and He is calling on us to help!
Join with Christians from around the world to make their dream of Aliyah a reality. Please consider what you can do to help.