The Tabernacle of Meeting
Date - 10.12.2020By: Joshua Gooding, ICEJ Prayer Coordinator
Happy New Year! Beginning each year with a renewed commitment to prayer is a pattern laid out by the Lord in Exodus 40. As the chapter opens, the Lord commands Moses to set up the Tabernacle of meeting on the first day of the first month, as a place of prayer and communion with God. The tent was to be a place of ministry, where the High Priest and Levites would perform the required sacrifices and stand in the gap for the People of Israel.
Here at the ICEJ we hold prayer in a very high regard. Through prayer, God’s people rise up to be His instrument to shift nations, cities, and our personal lives. Over the past six months we have seen the Lord use prayer at the ICEJ to cause shifts in nations at the highest level.
During a time of prayer, the Lord gave ICEJ leadership Psalm 2:8 as an invitation, “Ask of Me, and I will give you nations as your inheritance.” Soon after, the doors opened for a meeting with the royal family of Serbia, to share with them the Father’s heart for Israel. Months later the Lord positioned ICEJ to bring a delegation of Egyptian believers to Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles. In response, God released a deluge of rain over Egypt filling the once-low aquifers. Lastly, during the Feast the Lord released His word through our leadership, proclaiming a shift was coming for the nation of Bolivia. Returning home, the Bolivians witnessed the Lord uproot their president and establish new leadership who boldly declared, “The Bible is very important to us. Our strength is God.”
Prayer is the engine that empowers the ICEJ to accomplish all the Lord has called us to do. As 2020 begins, will you commit to partner with us in prayer? More than 5,000 people from 120 countries have already committed to join our monthly Isaiah 62 prayer initiative and almost 650 committed intercessors have joined the ICEJ PrayerWave Initiative. Come and be a part of what the Lord will do in 2020.