South Africa

Israel Remembers and Celebrates!
I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you …

Meetings in East London, Radio & TV Interview / 10 – 14 September 2020
Vivienne Myburgh will be hosting meetings on behalf of ICEJ in East London from the 10 – 12 Septe…

Why we celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles
Every biblical festival given to Israel has these three aspects… Israel was commanded to observe …

Judicial Conduct Committee (Africa 4 Palestine vs Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng)
The 19-page response affidavit from Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng to the Africa 4 Palestine (form…

July 2020 Newsletter – 40 Years of Comforting Israel
Tonight marks the start of the new Jewish month, Av. Tisha B’Av, the day of fasting and mourning …

Petition to support Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng
Petition to support Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng, our Christian faith and South Africa’s Constit…

ICEJ SA statement regarding the recent attack on Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng’s views on Israel.
The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, South African Branch (ICEJ) represents Christians …

April 2020 Newsletter – The Angel of Death Passed Over… and the Captives were Set Free!
World-wide “lockdowns” ordered, in order to protect us from a “plague” which could lead to death……

Ella Blumenthal
Born in Warsaw on 15 August 1921. Deported to the Warsaw Ghetto in October 1940. Deported to Majd…

January 2020 Newsletter – (Jewish year 5780) – New Decade, New Year & New Opportunities
2019 once again proved that Israel continues to be blessed and that she continues to be a blessin…