ICEJ SA Newsletter

Abraham Accord: what does it really mean?
At the signing of the Abraham Accords at the White House on Tuesday, from the left, Israeli Prime…

Holocaust Remembrance
Holocaust Remembrance Day Ella Blumenthal – We Remember As you did unto the least of these …

Israel Remembers and Celebrates!
I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you …

July 2020 Newsletter – 40 Years of Comforting Israel
Tonight marks the start of the new Jewish month, Av. Tisha B’Av, the day of fasting and mourning …

April 2020 Newsletter – The Angel of Death Passed Over… and the Captives were Set Free!
World-wide “lockdowns” ordered, in order to protect us from a “plague” which could lead to death……

January 2020 Newsletter – (Jewish year 5780) – New Decade, New Year & New Opportunities
2019 once again proved that Israel continues to be blessed and that she continues to be a blessin…

March 2019 Newsletter – For such a time as this
As we continue to watch the nations stumble over Israel and especially the beloved City of Jerusa…